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Discovery Art DOGS - Public art project created in preparation for the 2004 “Lewis & Clark Expedition” throughout Sioux City, Iowa, USA.
- Box-er
- Cool Dog
- Dog Gone Ruff
- Dreamer
- Hot Fudge Hound
- Hustler
- Loess Hills Dog
- News Hound
- Sentinel
- Loess Hills Dog
Arte da Descoberta CÃES - Projeto de arte pública que espalhou em 2004 cães pela cidade de Sioux City, Iowa, Estados Unidos; parte da comemoração da Expedição Lewis & Clark (exploração dos rios Missouri e Columbia entre 1803 e 1806 em busca de uma passagem para o Oceano Pacífico).
Dog Daze of New Hartford - This public art project happened in October 1, 2005, when 45 fiber-glass painted dog (several breeds) statues sponsored by various artists were displayed in the city of New Hartford; the next day, the canine statues were auctioned at Ski Sundown on Ratlum Road. See more photos here.
- Al-Bark Eistein
- Animal Alphabet
- Anubis
- Barx-er of Satan's Kingdom
- Dali Dog, Surrealist Maddog
- Dogas en Pointe
- Dogwood
- Effie La Feet
- Fetch
- Flora & Fauna
- Good Dog - Bad Dog
- Green Tea Dog
- Guard-en Dog
- Haute Diggety Dog
- Hitchdog Chair
- John Steinbark
- Lilly LaLab
- Mer-Dawg
- Patch
- Paws for Peace
- Point Her to the Stars
- Pointer's Paradise
- Polka Dog
- Poodle Doodles
- Poppy Pooch and Friends
- Pucci Poochie
- Rocky Balbone
- Salt Phoenix
- Salvadog Dali
- Seeing Why Dog
- September 11th Heros
- St Sunbern
- Stevie Wonderdog
- Still Points the Way
- This Doggy Digs Dirty
- Tres Chic
- Undercover Police Dog
- Van Gogh Does New Hartford
- Van Gogh Dog Go
- Vermonte
- Wings of Life
- Woofsie Daisy
- Yankee Poodle
Cãofusão de New Hartford - Exposição pública de 45 estátuas caninas em fibra de vidro, pintadas por diversos artistas, que aconteceu no dia 1º de outubro de 2005 na cidade de New Hartford, Connecticut, Estados Unidos. No dia seguinte, as estátuas foram leiloadas, com a renda revertendo a favor de instituições de caridade. Os cães eram de diferentes raças.
DOGNY – America’s Tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs - "Public art initiative commissioned by the American Kennel Club to honor the search and rescue dogs involved in post-September 11 operations and to raise money to support future endeavors.After the attacks on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and Shanksville, PA, teams of handlers and dogs rushed in to assist in locating survivors. The AKC wanted to acknowledge these dogs with a public show of appreciation and a national effort to support their future missions. For this reason, AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung created DOGNY.
On the first anniversary of September 11, AKC and its affiliates, companies in the pet products industry, and many other organizations worked together to display over 100 uniquely painted sculptures of a Search and Rescue Dog throughout the five boroughs of New York City. With names like Let Freedom Ring, Stars and Stripes, and Bone-A-Fido Patriot, the sculptures adorned fire stations, police precincts, and office buildings alongside landmarks such as Rockefeller Center, Trump Plaza, and Broadway’s Shubert Alley.
In Thanksgiving of 2002, the DOGNY sculptures were brought to Sotheby's for a charity auction. One hundred percent of funds raised by AKC for DOGNY (including donations, sponsorships, and auction sales) have been allocated in the AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund for volunteer and professional canine search and rescue organizations throughout the country. To date, AKC has raised over $3 million for this cause. source
"The symbol for the Tribute is the DOGNY dog was a German Shepherd Dog sculpted by artist Robert Braun and cast at the Meisner Gallery. The German Shepherd Dog was chosen because the breed is one of the most widely used in canine search and rescue. Their intelligence, size, agility and keen desire to please their handlers are all qualities that make them wonderfully suited for search, rescue and recovery activities in a variety of scenarios. Each one of the 100 sculptures was sponsored by a patron and painted by a commissioned artist." source
Book: DOGNY: America's Tribute to Search and Rescue Dogs
DOGNY - Tributo Americano aos Cães de Busca e Resgate - Projeto do American Kennel Club para homenagear os cães de busca e resgate e seus adestradores. A partir de um modelo criado por Robert L. Braun (retratando um Pastor alemão), mais de 100 esculturas foram espalhadas pelos cinco boroughs de Nova Iorque em 2002 (ao estilo da CowParade), no primeiro aniversário dos ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro nos Estados Unidos; as esculturas foram colocadas em quartéis de bombeiros, delegacias de polícia, edíficios comerciais e locais famosos da cidade, como o Rockefeller Center e o Trump Plaza.
No dia de Ação de Graças do mesmo ano, as esculturas foram leiloadas na famosa casa de leilões Sotheby's; todo o dinheiro arrecadado (incluindo as doações e os patrocínios de cada estátua) foi doado a organizações americanas que trabalham com cães de busca e resgate.
Put Up Your Dukes - Part of James Madison University's Centennial celebration in 2007-2008, lightweight resin versions of the Duke Dog bronze statue (by Lee Leuning) painted and decorated by various artists from Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Staunton, Augusta County and JMU; they were display throughout the JMU campus and Harrisonburg. source
Obs.: Put up your dukes is an expression that means get ready to fight. source
- All Together ONE Duke Dog
- Alma Mater Dog
- Bridges
- Centennial Duke Dog
- City Dog
- Cow Dog
- Dollar Duke
- Donor Dog
- Ed E. Cation
- Family Tradition
- Go Get My Ball
- Grad Dog
- JMUbie
- King Art-Hur Duke of Rockingham
- Madisonma
- MadiSun
- Ray V
- Road Dawg
- Rover
- Sheetz Doggy Duke
- Spotty Bananas Duke Dog
- TAG, Surfer Dog
- Tech Dog
- Wellington McLitten The Trial Dog
- Zane
Apresentem Seus Dukes - Em comemoração ao centenário da Universidade James Madison, cujo campus fica na cidade de Harrisonburg, Virgínia, Estados Unidos, em 2008 aconteceu uma exposição de estátuas em resina de réplicas da enorme estátua de bronze de Duke, o Budogue mascote da intituição. As esculturas foram pintadas por diversos artistas locais.
Obs.: O nome em inglês do projeto brinca com a expressão put up your dukes, que significa prepare-se para a briga; duke é uma gíria para punho.
St. Bernard - Lots of St. Bernard around the town of... St. Bernard!
São-bernardo - Devido ao nome da cidade, a Prefeitura inaugurou diversas estátuas desta raça. Em St. Bernard, Ohio, Estados Unidos.
Terriers Around Town - "West Springfield embarked on a yearlong, fundraising outdoor art project that included businesses, artists and West Side students. The town Mascot is a West Highland White Terrier (Westie). There were 40 forty-inch fiberglass Westies painted by 40 artists displayed in ‘litters’ throughout the main streets. Each terrier was sponsored by businesses, which choose the artwork from a portfolio of work with designs for terriers on different themes. At the end of the display the sculptures were taken in and auctioned off to the highest bidder at The Terriers Around Town Pick of the Litter auction, which was held on October 15, 2010."
- All American Terrier
- All Around Town Terrier
- Barkopolo
- Bill
- Come Together Right Now Over Me
- Copper
- Dapper Dog
- Dog About Town
- Falcon
- Flower Power
- Free as a Butterfly
- Heroes
- Jinks
- Leader of the Pack
- Live Life!
- Maria Margerita de Mardi Gras Dog
- Master Sommelier, The Wine Steward
- Moonlight Terrier
- Naked Puppy
- Pawsibilities
- Poppy Love
- Professor Paw Prints
- Psych
- Seeker - created by Sara Ghalaini/sponsored by the Rotary Club/placed in front of the West Springfield Public Library
- Super Hero
- Terrier Around the World
- Terriers Among the Sunflowers
- Thumb Prints
- Tiger
- Toulouse La Terrier
- Tree City, USA
- Tree of Life
- Vincent Van Dogh
- West Side's #1 Fan
- Western Westie AKA Fargo - created by Janet Miller/located in front of Wells Fargo Finance
Terriers Pela Cidade - Projeto idealizado na cidade de West Springfield, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos. O mascote da cidade é um West Highland White Terrier (Westie); foram espalhados 40 Westies de fibra de vidro pela cidade, pintados por 40 artistas diferentes. Ao final do projeto, as obras foram leiloadas em 15 de outubto de 2010.
Wagner's Dog (Russ) - Last dog of German composer Richard Wagner. Seventy statues of Russ were placed all around the city; however, the official art commissioner didn't approve and banned them. Besides many of the plastic dogs were stolen...
Russ is buried at the feet of his master in the composer's tomb in his villa Wahnfried; a plaque reads: Here rests and watches Wagner's Russ.
O Cachorro de Wagner (Russ) - O último cachorro do compositor alemão Richard Wagner. Um projeto desenvolvido pelo escultor Ottmar Höhrl espalhou 70 estátuas de plástico preto de Russ pela cidade de Bayreuth, Alemanha, em 2004. O projeto (Wagner's Hund em alemão), no entanto, não durou muito; os responsáveis pela cultura na cidade não aprovaram a idéia e baniram os Russes. Além disto, muitos deles fora roubados...
Russ (o verdadeiro) foi enterrado ao lado de seu dono em Wahnfried (a villa de Wagner), também em Bayreuth; uma placa marca o local: Aqui descansa e vigia Russ, o cachorro de Wagner.
We Let the Dawgs Out - A collection of 36 decorated fiberglass bulldog statues, painted by local artists, can be seen downtown Athens, Georgia. We Let The Dawgs Out is a project of the The Athens-Oconee Junior Woman’s Club; the 36 pieces are:
- Show Dawg
- Dawg House
- ABC Dog
- Georganium
- Dawgwood Bark
- Caesar Dawgustus
- Bugga
- Sit, Rock, & Roll Over
- Georgia Dawgs
- Dawg Fan
- Thurston LaDonnahue III
- Downtown Dawg
- A-pooch-ecary
- Theana, DawgWood
- Covered Bridge - Trestle Dawg
- Three B's Canine
- The Georgia Red Clay Dawg
- Classic City Bulldawg
- Argo
- Game Dawg
- Clover
- Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dawg
- Dog Walker
- Ol' SIlver
- The Blue Dawg of Happiness
- Dawg Days in Five Points; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
- Carmen Mirandawg
- Scarlet
- I Thought You Said Bullfrawg
- Vincent Van Go Dawg
- Flower Power
- Chase the Dawg
- Manu
- Reflections of a Classic City
- Freedom Stands Guard
- Sky Dawg
Soltamos os Cachorros - Uma coleção de 36 Buldogues em fibra de vidro decorados por artistas locais podem ser vistos espalhados pelo centro da cidade de Athens, Geórgia, Estados Unidos (o Buldogue foi escolhido porque é o mascote da Universidade local). Deixamos os Cães a Solta é um projeto do The Athens-Oconee Junior Woman’s Club, ao estilo CowParade. Tem até um Carmen Mirandawg...
Year of the Dog - "On May 23, 2006 Cleveland was formally introduced to the Year of the Dog through public art. The St. Clair-Superior Development Corporation (SCSDC) installed canine public art throughout the St. Clair-Superior Neighborhood, which encompasses the area from the lake to Superior and Payne Avenues from Martin Luther King Boulevard to East 30th Street. Twenty-five, five foot, five inch fiberglass dog sculptures, have been uniquely designed by twenty participating neighborhood artists, including well-known established Cleveland artists such as Susan Mathias (Sirius Modernus), Hector Vega, George Kocar and celebrity artist, Dick Goddard from Fox8 News." source
Ano do Cão - Em 2006, ano do Cão no calendário chinês aconteceu no bairo de St. Clair-Superior em Cleveland, Ohio, Estados Unidos, a exposição de 25 cães em fibra de vidro pintados por 20 artistas locais.